DABCO USA is dedicated to the delivery of world-class health and medical devices to MENA area governments, agencies, institutions, companies and distributors. DABCO USA works with global designers, engineers, software developers, manufacturers, distributors, 3PL specialists and client user groups to discover, develop, manufacture and distribute highly desired innovations to the health, wellness and medical sectors of MENA region countries. We represent the needs of our buyers and end users rather than a single company or product line. Our teams’ results oriented project management approach to; product development, innovation integrations, JIT manufacturing, logistics, compliance, licensing, marketing, market penetration, team building, customer satisfaction and more is focused on sustainable results and long term relationship building. Our Turnkey project management-style services include, but are not limited to:
Market Research & Development
Contract Coordination & Management
Manufacturer Selection & Oversight
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Distribution Channel Setup & Oversight
Sales & Marketing Channels
Customer Satisfaction Assurance
Product Development Collaboration
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